The Heacock Flock

Monday, April 23, 2012

Opening Day

Jeremiah has fished on Opening Day for about 25 years now.  And, this year there were 4 generations of Heacocks.  Grandpa Jack, Jeff, Jeremiah and Jamon were all there for the Opening Day at South Twin Lake.  Jamon was very excited to go this year.  Last year when he was only 4 (almost 5) he couldn't go because there was still a lot of snow and Jeremiah was unsure whether or not he would last in a boat. But in a year things have changed.  Jamon has grown to be quite the little fisherman.  He has gone with Jeremiah and Jeff to Lava Lake and the Mckenzie River.  Jamon can tell you the exact number of fish they have caught each time.  He really enjoys reeling in the fish.  I asked him what the best part of fishing is, he replied "the snacks."  That's my kind of fishing!  

The sweetest part of the fishing trip is the one thing I don't have a picture of.  Jamon's Great Grandpa Jack took him out to breakfast on Saturday morning to the lodge, just the two of them.  The best part of it was that Great Grandpa Jack forgot his reading glasses and asked Jamon to read him the menu.  Jamon ended up reading the entire menu word for word. I would have loved to be an on looker to their breakfast conversation.  Jamon talked about it for days so it was a special day for him.  He said he ordered pancakes with strawberry topping and chocolate milk.  Grandpa Jack said he talked the entire time and the waitress got a big kick out of them.  

This year we were lucky to have Aunt Anna and the kids come up to Springfield while the men went fishing.  Anna and I decided that we should make this our annual girl's weekend.  We decided to spend the day at Johnson Brother's Nursery and then went out to lunch.  It was a great day too, however, I am looking forward to when Josie and Jolie are a little bit older to do a weekend full of sewing, crafting, tea, baking and antique shopping!  

This is some of what came from Jeremiah, Josh, Justin and Uncle Jon's boat. 

I love this picture.  Justin, Josh, Jeremiah and Jamon. 

Jeremiah had the biggest catch of the weekend.  He said it was on his last cast too! 

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